Use "hoard|hoarded|hoarding|hoards" in a sentence

1. Nevertheless, they ‘hoard’ simply for the sake of ‘hoarding.’”

2. He had hoarded the butt-ends of candles as another prisoner would hoard pieces of food.

3. Avarice refers to an insatiable desire to gain and hoard wealth. It’s similar to greed but goes even further, encompassing such things as selfishness, entitlement, materialism, consumerism, and hoarding

4. And the hidden hoards* of the sand.”

5. You hoard your gasoline.

6. She hoarded words that implied such intimacy.

7. Tom found a hoard.

8. Hoarding advertising in sports stadia

9. Oh, Kalpana of the terrace- hoarding?

10. Benchley hoarded everything he thought might be funny, too

11. Or buy guns to guard your hoarded food?

12. 19 She hoarded words that implied such intimacy.

13. Graphic design and advertising hoarding design

14. Vaccine hoarding is Alienating the world

15. Some gasoline dealers began hoarding supplies.

16. Hoarding the good stuff for yourselves?

17. Her only interest is hoarding money.

18. How Stingy Plants Hoard Their Water

19. His hoard is overripe for commerce.

20. Pirate Cave: You stash your secret hoard here.

21. Surplus food is hoarded in an extensive system of underground tunnels.

22. Denial, rage, and hoarding coffins in basements.

23. The money the miser hoards will do him no good. 

24. Everyone knows it is illegal to hoard a spot.

25. Behold the great treasure hoard of Thror.

26. But they did not hoard these spiritual things.

27. That tends to make people want to hoard.

28. They dug up a hoard of Roman coins.

29. But this sort of hoarding is extremely rare.

30. People found hoarding during the famine were punished.

31. 17 People found hoarding during the famine were punished.

32. People found hoarding ( food ) during the famine were punished.

33. Hoard : A Scalable Memory Allocator for Multithreaded Applications.

34. One gives generously to alleviate suffering; another hoards wealth and creates pain and misery.

35. Hoarding unbelievable power for their own amusement.

36. Not all we see is worth hoarding.

37. (verb) An example of Amass is to hoard up 1

38. To work to accumulate wealth for hoarding is folly.

39. In France, too, labour hoarding comes at a cost.

40. Hoarding of knowledge will only result in its destruction.

41. How many curios do you hoard in your study?

42. They collect seeds and wild berries, and dig up secret hoards of grain.

43. John (ME) spelled the word 'Bibliotaphic' (characteristic of one who hoards books) incorrectly #spellingbee

44. I had a problem with hoarding in the Aughts

45. An advertising hoarding on the platform caught her attention.

46. Greed has caused hoarding of land and food.

47. Hoarding and barter trade are once again prevalent.

48. Hoarding was excluded for the reasons mentioned previously.

49. After the war, they were shot for hoarding.

50. Refrigeration project mainly applies to process food and hoarding enterprises.

51. Already[], there are signs that people are hoarding gold.

52. But in today’s stressful world, it seems that humor is hoarded rather than spent.

53. Gasoline shortage roused tempers and hoarding in the United States.

54. Panic buying and hoarding became the order of the day.

55. Synonyms for Accumulations include collections, stockpiles, stocks, masses, reserves, hoards, piles, heaps, stores and funds

56. All those words he had hoarded for so long and released so grudgingly.

57. 4 During the siege people began hoarding food and supplies.

58. The live-forever has succulent leaves, which carefully hoard water.

59. They've begun to hoard food and gaso-line and save their money.

60. Hoarding was, they thought, “a rare and harmless eccentricity.”

61. During the siege people began hoarding food and supplies.

62. (Psalm 50:10, 11) Yet, he does not selfishly hoard anything.

63. Synonyms for Argosies include mines, wellsprings, cornucopia, gold mines, hoards, bonanzas, lodes, founts, sources and treasure houses

64. It can be spent freely and mercifully on others or can be hoarded stingily for oneself.

65. A hoarding shields the still-ruined building where the bomb exploded.

66. Some use underground containers, while others hoard it in thick stems.

67. The hoard was estimated dated from the reign of King Balitung (899–911).

68. Overnight, state banks drastically raised interest rates, and people flocked to deposit their hoarded cash.

69. Some nations, meanwhile, are hoarding steel by erecting export barriers.

70. * close coordination on preventing corruption and cooperation on freezing of unaccounted money hoarded abroad and its repatriation.

71. The price hike in garlic was mainly caused by hoarding and profiteering.

72. Trading in such contracts encourages hoarding, thereby raising prices, the politicians allege.

73. Many questions remain concerning the origin and background of the treasure hoard.

74. And in other parts of science, it is routine that scientists hoard their data.

75. There's a world surplus of microchips and Zorin is hoarding them!

76. • close coordination on preventing corruption and cooperation on freezing of unaccounted money hoarded abroad and its repatriation.

77. Aurei from Boscoreale hoard (1,084) (from CANTILENA 2007) Tiberius’ coins contribute to Indian hoards not only with the highest number of denarii, but also with the highest number of Aurei, part of which must have been seized by the trading élites after Gaius rapidly squandered Tiberius’ enormous cash reserve of 2.7 (or 2.4 or 3.3) billion

78. Initially set at HK$2 = JMY1, the Hong Kong dollar was largely preferred by locals and hoarded away.

79. As a verb Cupboard is to collect, as into a Cupboard; to hoard.

80. Acquisitiveness describes the greed to increase one's possessions, to acquire, hoard and save